About Us » School Code

School Code

We, the staff of St. Gregory Catholic School, believe the work of the Catholic educator should embody a feeling of self-worth, self-discipline and respect for both the student and the educator. Our intent is to provide a community where Catholic values are respected both in theory and practice. We strive to educate the whole child: mind, body, heart and soul.
We hope that the time you spend in our school will be a rich and rewarding experience in terms of spiritual, social, emotional, academic and physical development.
We recognize that parents are the first and foremost models of discipline for their children. We ask that parents remain in close contact with us and play a vital role in supporting our code of behaviour. Self-discipline and responsibility for one’s own actions are necessary for the success of any student. Children are taught to be aware of their responsibilities. They are also encouraged to respect the rights, opinions and feelings of their peers.
The following Code of Behaviour is one important component to help create a safe school. It outlines principles and behavioural expectations for all so that everyone knows and understands their rights and responsibilities.
Guiding Principles
The Code of Behaviour applies to all individuals whether on school property, on the school buses, or at school-sanctioned events in the community. All persons are to be treated with dignity and respect. It is the responsibility of all to know their rights and responsibilities. All school members are expected to use non-violent means to resolve conflict. It is the responsibility of parents, teachers and students to work together to create a safe learning environment for all.
To respect civility and create responsible citizenship, all members must be encouraged to:
  • demonstrate gospel values
  • treat one another with dignity and respect, especially in disagreements
  • to respect and treat others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, citizenship, religion, gender, age or disability
  • give assistance to those in need
  • respect the rights of others to work in an environment of learning and teaching
School staff (teachers, educational assistants, student support workers, principal, secretaries, custodians, bus drivers and others in positions of authority) are expected to:
  • Promote a Christian community that will involve all partners–staff, students, parents and church.
  • Provide students with a program that meets their individual needs.
  • Provide help to students when needed.
  • Work with students and staff to make our school better.
  • Support students to understand homework assignments and skills to be practiced, monitor completion and communicate with parents.
  • Communicate student’s progress effectively to the student and parents.
  • Check student’s agenda and sign on a daily basis.
  • Treat students fairly.
  • Act as role models who demonstrate lifelong learning.
  • Act as team members and team leaders in the school working with students and staff.
  • Establish management strategies that support learning and respect the dignity of students.
  • Supervise classroom, halls and playground in accordance with the school’s Code of Behaviour.
  • Be prepared and on time.
  • Teach/model expectations for a safe, orderly school.
Parents/Guardians are expected to:
  • Respect and support the Catholic nature of the school.
  • Communicate regularly with school personnel. (Agenda)
  • Become familiar with the student expectations and the Code of Behaviour.
  • Work with the school staff and their child to resolve any issues that may arise. (3 step policy)1 – Communication with teacher/instructor- concerns in writing. Receive a response within 24 hrs. Concerns addressed and resolved.2 – Communicate with teacher/instructor and request a meeting within one school week if possible.3 –If issue still not resolved, request meeting with teacher, principal and parent, within one week of request if possible.
  • Co-operate with the school if the child’s program or performance requires special attention.
  • Encourage their child to meet learning expectations and to set goals.
  • Show support for their child by attending student conferences/interviews and school events.
  • Talk with their child about school work and support their child with a routine and a place for homework.
  • Read and sign their child’s agenda on a daily basis.
  • Inform the teacher with a note in the agenda if their child is unable to complete homework on any given night or to express any concerns.
  • Not send children to school prior to supervision time, since there is no supervisor on the yard.
  • Report to the office when visiting the school as per the Visitor Policy (included).
  • Give the school current home, work and emergency phone numbers.
  • Inform the school when their child is absent as per the Safe Arrival Policy (included).
  • Provide children with “nut free” snacks and lunches.
  • Agree to sign and return completed permission forms.
  • Be familiar with school policies and procedures.
Students are expected to:
  • Respect and follow the teachings of our Catholic Faith and be an example to all you meet.
  • Treat others in a courteous way.
  • Use appropriate language befitting a Christian.
  • Respect prayer time and O Canada.
  • Respect and maintain the learning environment within the classroom by participating in the formation and maintenance of a “CLASSROOM COVENANT” (discussed in classroom in September).
  • Follow the instructions of teachers/support staff.
  • Show courtesy and consideration for others.
  • Always try your best.
  • Accept the consequences of your actions and decisions.
  • Be peacemakers and exercise self-discipline.
  • Remove hats upon entering the school.
  • Walk quietly through the school.
  • Wear indoor shoes at all times while in the school
  • Remain on school property during the school day unless a note is provided by parent/guardian.
  • Respect property and take pride in the school.
  • Represent the school favourably in extra-curricular activities (i.e., sports, outings).
  • Be punctual and in regular attendance.
  • Respond to bell promptly and enter school quietly.
  • Be cooperative and attentive in class.
  • Remain on task during class time.
  • Be attentive and focused during school assemblies/liturgies.
  • Complete all assigned work.
  • Have school reports/correspondence signed and returned.
  • Prepare your supplies for the next school day.
  • Keep your work area and lunch area clean and organized.
  • Remain at your assigned seat for the lunch period.
  • Play cooperatively and take turns.
  • HANDS OFF POLICY – “Hands on” – Fighting, rough play, and profane language will not be tolerated and is unacceptable.
  • Report any injuries to the duty teacher.
  • Ask a teacher for permission to enter the school.
  • Walk bicycles/scooters on the school property.
  • No food is allowed on the playground.
  • Sit on slides. Before sliding, check that no one is at the bottom.  Travel down only, walking up is not allowed.  Only one person travels on the slide at a time.
  • Walk on play structures.  Jumping off is not allowed.
  • Tag is not allowed on the play structure.
  • Loose scarves or strings on clothing must be tied securely or removed.
  • Allow students to join in fun activities “you can’t say, you can’t play.”
  • Keep sticks, stones and snow on the ground, then we can’t throw them.
  • Hard balls of any type are not allowed on the yard.
  • Hockey sticks are not allowed on the yard.
Our school strives to create a truly authentic Catholic culture animated by gospel values and rooted in a belief of the dignity of persons created in God’s image. In our school, we proclaim a view of community that is church centered wherein all community members belong and play a vital role as a member of the Body of Christ. We want our students to think clearly, act wisely, feel deeply and live responsibly by building and creating communities of peace. All staff and students have been introduced to restorative practices with its focus on building, maintaining and repairing relationships. Restorative practices seek to heal and right the wrongs and focuses on the needs of the harmed and the community. By meeting face to face, the restorative process encourages healthy communication, accountability, healing and closure for all.
Students have the right to be treated with respect and sensitivity, to be given support and to earn trust and privileges in an environment conducive to learning and free from physical and verbal harassment.
Students are responsible to respect, be considerate and show compassion for people and property, by making good choices. Students are accountable for their actions, and are expected to act as responsible members of the Catholic community.
Parents have the right to be respectfully informed and to expect the provision of meaningful and purposeful programs conducted in a safe and caring environment
Parents are responsible for respecting and supporting the students and staff, by cooperating when special attention is required to resolve issues.
Forgiveness and reconciliation are necessary to foster communities of faith. Our practices are restorative, helping children develop empathy through reflection, insight and learning, while repairing and rebuilding relationships. It is a whole school approach that identifies and addresses harms, needs and obligations in order to heal and make things right. Students learn to make good choices, to resolve conflicts and forgive.
A whole community approach that recognizes, promotes and celebrates positive behaviours, while addressing inappropriate behaviours before they become serious. These practices shift the focus from one that is solely punitive, to one that is corrective and supportive. Positive discipline uses a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences, that focus on caring, acting and rebuilding.
  • Called to Care:  Educators are called to support a safe teaching and learning environment in which students are led to discover, cherish and develop their personal talents and gifts so that each learner can reach his or her full potential.  Students who make inappropriate choices that are considered minor infractions may require action.
  • Actions of caring:  reminders and reflections.
  • Called to Action: Our goal is to create a circle of support around a student to make them feel important, worthwhile, significant and valued.  Some students may require additional opportunities and interventions before they are able to engage in learning and relationships in an acceptable manner.  It is recognized that consequences for those students who are unable to make appropriate choices with reminders and reflections must be corrective and supportive, in order to reflect the tenets of faith that we share.
  • Actions of Faith:  resolution and restitution.
  • Called to Rebuild:  Despite our best efforts, there are times when a serious incident or behavior may warrant an intensive response.  It is our responsibility to respond with care and concern, working toward a compassionate solution that teaches the student about the inappropriateness of the behavior, opens the door to reconciliation and leaves the dignity of all parties intact.  At this intervention level, more intensive supports will be driven by a school-based team approach, ideally with parent involvement and support. 
  • Actions of Hope:  removal and reconciliation.
Appropriate student behaviours and good choices must be expected and recognized for all students. Progressive discipline requires the school to consider inappropriate behaviours in light of the student’s age, history and level of development. Interventions, support and consequences must be consistent with the IEP.
If a child is absent and the school has not been informed, the secretary will be calling home/work to check with you. It is essential that the Student Information Form be accurate and up to date. Please ensure the office is kept up to date with current contact numbers formation Form be accurate and up to date. Please ensure the office is kept up to date with current contact numbers.
Transportation by school bus is a privilege and not a right. Behaviour that interferes with the safe operation of the bus or the safety of the other students riding on the bus will not be allowed. The driver of the bus is in charge of the operation of the bus and of the safety and welfare of all students and he/she must be given each student’s cooperation and support. While riding on the bus, students are responsible to their Principal. Students are allowed one stop. They must get on and off at the same destination every day. Students are not allowed to travel on a different bus (i.e. to go to a friend’s house for a sleep-over).
** See Bus Handbook** (available online at STEO)
  • Enter the bus quietly.
  • Sit down, facing the front of the bus.
  • Remain in your seat at all times.
  • Speak quietly.
  • Once the bus has completely stopped, get out of your seat and exit quietly.
  • Food or drink is not allowed on the school bus.In the event of a bus infraction, you will receive a note home.  Please fill out your portion and review bus safety with your child.
Students are expected to use good judgment and dress in a manner appropriate for school. The following guidelines are not a complete list but will help you make safe and healthy choices. Parents and staff will use these to guide children in their choice of clothing:
  • Tank tops, tops without backs or tops that do not cover your stomach are not allowed.
  • Spaghetti straps are only allowed if worn under a blouse.
  • See-through clothes without another shirt under them are not allowed.
  • Clothes should not be too tight or too short.
  • Hats, caps, make-up, strong perfumes, sunglasses, or other such items will not be worn in the building unless required for a special class event.
  • Pants or shorts must fit at the waist and shorts must be fingertip length.
  • Soft-soled, non-slip, non-platform shoes designed for safe play must be worn in gym class. All students must have indoor and outdoor shoes.
  • A hat and sunscreen are recommended to be worn outside on very sunny days.