Programs » French Immersion

French Immersion

As one of Canada’s official language the ability to communicate in French is a valuable skill and asset.
Some advantages of studying French:
  • Strengthens first-language skills
  • Enhances reasoning, problem solving and creative thinking
  • Strengthens students’ ability to communicate
  • Develops capacity to understand and respect other cultures
  • Prepares students to participate more effectively in the workplace
How can you tell if your child will be successful in French Immersion?
We strongly recommend that you discuss the possibility of French Immersion for your child with his/her kindergarten teacher.
The following characteristics are indicators to help you to make the best choice for your child.
1. Coping skills – problem solving
2. Has strong skills in his or her first language
3. Has demonstrated a successful transition from home to school – transition from English to French is a huge part of their adaptability: more teachers, different rooms
4. Organization – can bring in agenda daily /pack their own backpack
5. Parents are willing to support homework in both languages – more homework
We appreciate your time in making the decision that is best for your child. We respect your choice and will continue to support your child and provide him or her with the best education rooted in the teaching of our Lord. Thank you/Merci