Mental Wellness » Nightly Reading Routines

Nightly Reading Routines

Reading with your child is one of the most important things you can do to support their education. It is a chance to curl up and share a story together. This builds their literacy skills and your relationship! We encourage you to set aside some special time to read with your child every day, even if they already know how to read!
For very young children listening to a story and looking at the pictures is a chance to build their vocabulary base. It exposes them to new words, situations, locations and feelings. In expands their experiences. Take some time to talk about the parts of the story, ask them what might happen next…, how would you feel if …. Share your answers too!
Children who are learning to read benefit too. Family read-alouds allow you to tackle more challenging books and build their critical thinking skills.
At St Gregory we focus on an individual reading skill each month. We associate each of these to a memorable animal to help the children remember and use the skill.
  • Digger the Dog – dig for important ideas
  • Iggy the Inferring Iguana – Make a guess
  • Jabber the Reteller – retell the story
  • Questioning Owl – Ask questions as you read
  • Rocky Raccoon – visualize as you read
  • Spinner the Spider – make connections
For more details on these strategies click on the Comprehension Reading Strategies article here.
We will be sending out Face book Posts with short updates and explanations so you can also use these strategies at home. Please don’t make it into formal lesson or homework. We just want you to understand what we are using so you can reinforce the same skill.
Follow us on Facebook at St. Gregory Catholic School – Carleton Place
If at any time you have a question, please reach out to the teacher!
Keep on Reading!