St. Gregory Catholic School Home

News & Announcements

Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation Featured Photo

Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation

On Thursday, April 24th, St. Gregory Catholic School is excited to be hosting our Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation. All new JK families are invited to come from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm with your child for Orientation. You will spend time in the classroom, in the gym with community partners and time in the library for more information with our Principal, Mrs. Forbes.
Transportation Reminders Featured Photo

Transportation Reminders

Please use the hyperlink above to see a flyer with helpful reminders to support a safe transition into the new school year.
Register now for September! Featured Photo

Register now for September!

St Gregory is now accepting new student registrations for September 2025! We invite parents to complete the online registration by visiting All details on the registration process can be found on this page. We look forward to welcoming your child in September!
Bus Cancellation's Featured Photo

Bus Cancellation's

Due to the ages of our students, it is important for parents to communicate in the agenda any end of day changes. This includes when your child’s bus has been cancelled. Please write a note in the agenda regarding your child’s end of day change (i.e. pick up at Parking lot gate by dad etc). This let’s the teacher and office know you are aware of the cancellation and ensures your child safely gets home.
Extra Clothing Featured Photo

Extra Clothing

We encourage parents to send in extra clothes for their children. At times, the yard can be quite wet and children are often looking for pants, socks, mittens etc. Please remember to return any borrowed clothes and replenish spare clothes once used.

Upcoming Events

Register Now for Fall 2023

Register Now for Fall 2023 Image
St Gregory is now accepting new student registrations for September 2023! We invite parents to complete the online registration by visiting All details on the registration process can be found on this page. We look forward to welcoming your child.